Author Sybil Barkley-Staples

Sybil Barkley-Staples is the author of two fiction novels. She'll Learn was published in November 2004 by Writers & Poets. Candy for My Soul published by JumpSis Press LLC.

Monday, June 05, 2006

New baby girl!!!

I’ve been away for awhile getting my head straight after giving birth to our third daughter, Piper Shanell Staples. My other daughters, Peri and Sanai love their new baby sister, but Sanai has taken on the nickname “Jan Brady” given to her by myself. I can already see traces of feeling slighted by the attention to the baby and the needs of her older sister. I had a nice maternity leave…10 weeks away from my real job, it was the break I needed. Well, if you consider that a break. I managed to meet some goals that I set for myself. I finished the edits and rewrites to my second novel, Candy for My Soul. Woo Hoo!
Now to shop it around and snag a wonderful deal to publish my sophomore work.